Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Whale Watching

I think this was at Boiler Bay. We had such a beautiful day, clear, blue sky and no wind. At first only Sam, Kyle and me were going to go. Then Katy, Becky and the boys decided to join us. Sam told Naomi and Edwin, and they wanted to come too. Now . . . you should know most of us get motion sick. So, Naomi, Edwin, Elena, Marcus, Rachel, Katy, and I all took Ginger Root to help with the sea sick.
It worked great for me and Katy, but poor Rachel, Naomi, and Edwin.

Cade was a little jealous that I was holding Brayden. He grabbed on and wouldn't let go.

Brayden didn't get sick, but wanted to stay on the bench and eat caramel corn. I think he liked the boat.

And yes . . . we did see some whales. However, I couldn't get any pictures. Everytime I would get my camera out, the whale was gone. Oh well, this little sea lion didn't mind posing at all.

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