The last time we drove from TX to TN was December of 2001. We had flown in to Dallas to watch the 49er's play the Cowboys. After the game waiting for traffic to thin, Sam suggested we drive to Memphis and watch the Liberty Bowl, BYU vs. Cardinals (by the way, both my teams lost). That particular year most of the AR was under construction so the drive was longer than you would expect.
We finally got to Jackson, TN around 9pm. We found a hotel and checked in. Not wanting to wait until morning we drove out to see my mom. I knew she'd still be up. I called her from outside of her door. We said the usually greetings and then she asked if I was in TX. I said no, but offered no further information. Finally she asked " . . . so where are you?" Smiling I answered, "Outside your front door waiting for you to let me in." She replied, "You're kidding?!?" It was a great surprise. We went and visited for about an hour or so.
Here are some of the old pictures she got out for Sam to see. Can you guess who they are? Yep, the cute one is me. Next is me and my mom at a petting zoo. The last one is of my mom and her sister, Sue. I'm unsure of their age in this photo. Mom, if you're reading this, let me know how old you were.?